Birch-Leaved Cat Tail is an erect, profusely
branched shrub. Leaves are 2-5 x 1-3 cm, ovate, base flat or somewhat
heart-shaped, margin rounded-toothed, sawtoothed, tip tapering, hairy
on both sides, aromatic, glandular below, glands orange. Leaf-stalks
are up to 3 cm long. Flowers are borne in short spiked in leaf-axils,
solitary, androgynous, up to 2 cm long. Tepals woolly, with stalkless
glands outside. Stamens many; anthers sub-spherical to oblong. Female
flowers are stalkless, bracts kidney-shaped, margin toothed, ovary to
0.5 mm across; styles many. Capsules is trilobed. Birch-Leaved Cat Tail
is globally distributed in Tropical Africa to India, Myanmar and Sri
Lanka. Flowering: July-August .
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Thiruvalam, Vellore Dist, Tamil Nadu.
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